During the pandemic, I decided to take the ideas in my head and write them down as a novel. I'm working on the craft of writing a compelling story. What I like to convey to readers is something to make you think. What you may have heard before but looked at in a different way. Hacking, technology, mystery, and characters that make you think.
I have been learning the process and craft of writing a compelling story. I have taken classes, read countless articles, and watched hours of videos on making a compelling story. My few tidbits for everyone are: Write something every day, even something small. Create a character, and think about a twist for your story. Most important is to write your story, not what someone thinks you should write.
I have an Engineering degree and an MBA. I'm constantly reading and trying to learn more about how everything works. I hope my stories will provide something new and interesting for readers.
Worst Author origin
When thinking about an online presence and how to publish I started searching for website names. The website (worstauthor.com) was available so I grabbed it and started.